Philosophy and Culture
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Existence of Culture (Subject Review). Philosophy and Culture, 1, 92–100.
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Philosophy and Culture
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Existence of Culture (Subject Review). Philosophy and Culture, 1, 92–100.
Gurevich, P. S. Existence of Culture (Subject Review)Abstract: The article is devoted to a number of works written by various authors such as Yakov Golosovker, Grigory Pomerants, Andrey Yurganov and others. Keywords: philosophy, culture, history, publication, existence, subject, review.
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1. Golosovker Yakov. Izbrannoe: Logika mifa. M.-SPb. 2010. 496 s. (tirazh 1000 ekz.)
2. Pomerants Grigoriy. Vykhod iz transa. M., 2010. 583 s. (tirazh 1500 ekz.) 3. Obrazy proshlogo. Sbornik pamyati A.Ya. Gurevicha. SPb, 2011. 752 s. (tirazh 1000 ekz.) 4. Yurganov Andrey. Kategorii russkoy srednevekovoy kul'tury. SPb, 2009. 368 s. (tirazh 1000 ekz.) 5. Trubnikova Nadezhda. Traditsiya «iskonnoy prosvetlennosti» v yaponskoy filosofskoy mysli. M., 6. 2010. 414 s. (tirazh 800 ekz.) 7. Lobanova Marina. Nikolay Andreevich Roslavets i kul'tura ego vremeni. M., 2011. 384 s. (tirazh 1000 ekz.) |