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Taxes and Taxation
Morozko, N. I. (2012). Adaptable Instruments of Tax Planning in Administration of Small Enterprises. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 45–50.
Morozko, N. I. Adaptable Instruments of Tax Planning in Administration of Small EnterprisesAbstract: Tax planning in the system of taxation of small business must ensure a balanced fi nancial state and tax burdens in accordance with the achieved level of economic growth of a small enterprise. Special system of tax planning takes into account features of taxation of small business. The author proves the purposefulness of applied regimes of taxation of small business. Generally established system of taxation corresponds to the principle of neutrality and ensures implementation of tax holidays in order to achieve growth of investments into R&D by means of setting off special tax rebates. Such regime is less effective when conducing a purposeful policy in the sphere of regulation of growth and development of small entrepreneurship entities. Simplifi ed system of taxation involves not only simplifi cation of taxation procedures but also simplifi cation of reporting. It suggests that taxes are paid once in a quarter but not once a month and obligations to pay advance tax payments are relieved, too. Simplifi ed system of taxation allows this category of taxpayers to make a considerable saving based on reduction of tax burden, of course, at the account of reduction of administrative expenses. One of the minuses of implementation of simplifi ed taxation regime is the occurrence of certain budget losses related to complication of control over accuracy of calculation and, consequently, the amount of taxes to be paid. Implementation of the regime of indirect methods in taxation, fi rst of all, simplifi es the procedure of payment of tax liabilities by the small entrepreneurship entities and makes the mechanism of accounting of revenues and expenditures more clear. The main disadvantage of indirect methods of taxation is a very diffi cult procedure of accounting and economic justifi cation of the sum of imputed earnings set forth by the government. The author of the article also provides methods for optimization of taxation of small business as a necessary condition for effective administration. Keywords: taxes and taxation, tax planning, small organizations, generally established taxation system, simplifi ed taxation system, imputed earnings, tax optimization, tax burden, optimization methods, tax rebates.
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