Philosophy and Culture
Kirsberg, I. V. (2011). Religious Studies: from Study to Science?. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 84–94.
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Philosophy and Culture
Kirsberg, I. V. (2011). Religious Studies: from Study to Science?. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 84–94.
Kirsberg, I. V. Religious Studies: from Study to Science?Abstract: Based on religious studies, the author of the article criticizes modern post-positivistic demarcation of science and non-science and shows its potentials and advantages on the basis of the qualitative difference between values and knowledge. Peculiarities of values and knowledge as the two irreducible and interacting phenomena are described on the basis of ‘out of cognition’ and ‘cognitive’ acts of consciousness – feelings and reasoning. The author suggests new criteria for demarcation which depend on predominance of values or knowledge, as well as researches of irregularity, failure and perspectives of religious studies as a science (and theology as a study which is not related to mere knowledge). Keywords: philosophy, demarcation, theology, religious studies, values, knowledge, science, non-science, consciousness, phenomenology.
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