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Philosophy and Culture

Lykyanov, G. I. Creating Conceptual Grounds for Risk in the Context of Social Reality

Abstract: The article is devoted to creating theoretical, methodological and semantic grounds of risk as a concept of modern social theory and a phenomenon of social practice. The author draws our attention at the fact that rapid expansion of risk and its invasion into many spheres of human existence surely make us anxious. Many factors depend on that: how well human use his abilities; whether he will be able to subdue his mind and needs to the existing social situation and how well he will be able to align his actions with the reality. The author’s interpretation of the phenomenon of risk is based on the idea that risk is nothing else but activity aimed at overcoming uncertainty in a situation of unavoidable choice.


philosophy, phenomenon of risk, social reality, social marcorisks, activity, danger, threat, situation of choice, existential risk, socio-cultural crisis.

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