Culture and Art
Alpatov, V. M.
Causes and Consequences of Stalin’s Speech
Regarding Language Issues in the Summer of 1950
// Culture and Art.
2011. ¹ 6.
P. 41-46.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58854
Alpatov, V. M. Causes and Consequences of Stalin’s Speech
Regarding Language Issues in the Summer of 1950
The article is devoted to causes and consequences
of I. V. Stalin’s speech regarding language issues made in
the summer of 1950. Many Russian and foreign researchers
wrote and talked about that speech. Many points of views
were revealed. Over the last decade language studies have
demonstrated interest in Stalin’s personality just as other
humanities do (publication of his language studies is a great
example to it). In such a situation, it seems quite necessary and
topical to analyze Stalin’s speech regarding language studies.
cultural studies, language studies, researchers’ points of views, conjuncture, personal caprice, ‘language genocide’, ‘common sense reaction’, changes in personnel and structure, the end of Marrism, international resonance of the speech.
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