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Philology: scientific researches

Vlasova, V.B. The Beauty from the Evil Burden

Abstract: The article is devoted to the 120th anniversary of the great Russian poet Osip Mandelstam. This article represents the author’s views on Mandelstam’s early lyrics and his overall civic-minded position in the context of ‘intelligentsia-power-people’ issue which remained unchanged till the end of his life. Mandelstam’s creative works are analyzed in comparison with the artistic and social ideals of the ‘silver age’ poets living in the same time. Philosophers’ researches of the poet’s works are mostly focused on the study of his understanding of harmony (from the point of view of both esthetics and society) as a challenging and dramatic struggle between the beautiful and the unkind. Even though it is a tragic struggle, the Beauty united with the Truth and Kindness win this fight.


philology, culture, poetics, creative work, reflection, Beauty, Kindness, Truth, intelligentsia, power, people.

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12. Novyy zavet. Evangelie ot Matfeya. Glava 10. Stikhi 34-35