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History magazine - researches

Rodionova N.A. The problems of raising children in exile: works and days of the Shumen High School (1922-1934)

Abstract: Russian teachers have seen the main task of raising children in exile in the prevention of denationalization, keeping the younger generation to work for the good of the motherland after returning to Russia. This task was mainly entrusted to a Russian school abroad. Experience of the High School in Shumen (Bulgaria) is unique: it simultaneously taught teenagers and adults who have passed through the hell of fratricidal war. Highly qualified teaching staff of the school was able to facilitate the socialization of the younger generation immigrants in the foreign culture environment. Setting the goal to preserve the “Russianness”, foster a sense of belonging to Russia, the school, on the one hand, facilitates adaptation, softened the cultural shock, on the other contributed to the growth of national consciousness, heightened sense of national identity and thereby hindered the entry of foreign cultural environment.


history, emigration, Bulgaria, the Russian school, everyday life, upbringing, education, Shumen, cultural differences, denationalization.

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