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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Ebzeev B.S. Case of Republican party of Russia v. Russia of European Court of human rights or lost illusions

Abstract: In this article, author considered recent judgment of the European Court of human rights. The author criticizes this judgment because fixation of the standards of human rights in the Convention and participation of the Russian Federation in it do not exclude considerable discretion of member state. The weakening of sovereign rights with inevitability leads to weakening of responsibility of public power. Legal expression of sovereignty of the Russian Federation is the prevailing of Constitution and federal laws on the whole territory of the Russian Federation. The author grounds the supremacy of the Constitution towards international treaties. The author says about the necessity for the Constitutional Court to give an opinion as to decisions of international judiciary if there are grounds to consider that their execution can contradict the Russian Constitution.


European Court of human rights, Constitution of the Russian Federation, political parties, sovereignty, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

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