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Philosophy and Culture

Polischuk, V. I. Scenario for the World History and Culture

Abstract: The article expands the traditional interpretation of Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’. The author shows that this work is a ‘demonstration’ of fuller understanding of the universal spirit which has an effect on its history: it is becoming less spontaneous. Self-actualization of spirit is the process of history turning into actual, i.e. reasonable history which consists of planning and realization of plans. In other words, history becomes a purposeful activity. It is literally ‘made’ by human and becomes his culture. Therefore, this is where the traditional conception of history ends. Still, ‘the end’ of history can actually become a new stage of world culture just the way Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’ became the beginning of his career as the great and famous philosopher.


philosophy, Hegel, phenomenology, consciousness, spirit, self-consciousness, history, world, creation, culture.

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