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National Security
Shultz, O.G. (2011). International standards and the “double standards” policy in the matters of international cooperation
in the sphere of human rights. National Security, 5, 167–180.
Shultz, O.G. International standards and the “double standards” policy in the matters of international cooperation in the sphere of human rights.Abstract: This article is devoted to the relations among most democratic states in the sphere of implementation of human rights standards. The author views the processes of formation, development and implementation of international standards in the sphere of human rights into the national legislation of the states, the author defi nes the international law of human rights, its place in the sphere of cooperation among the states both at the time of peace and at the time of armed confl ict. The author analyzes such problems as “double standards”. The author offers for implementation a novel approach, which provides for elimination of political profi t of the states from the sphere of human rights, and for attempts to existing international standards more effi cient. The author shows the need to support the supremacy of law, and to fi nd a reasonable balance between law and politics. Keywords: international law, security, human rights, double standards, depolitization, politics, law, international cooperation, humanitarian law, armed confl icts.
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