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National Security

Manoylo, A.V. Paradigsm of management of international confl icts: competition or confontation.

Abstract: The paper presents results of research promising lines of development of modern concepts of management of international confl icts based on cultural and civilizational paradigms. We defi ne the prospects and directions of further development of models of confl ict management the U.S., formulate predictions about the fi nal shape to the concept of confl ict management of the European Union’s own orbit in modern peacekeeping operations, in the dominant models of confl ict management studies the trend towards mergers and acquisitions, as well as study the prospects of achieving the global political arena, Latino and African models of confl ict management that are now on pre-paradigm level, but rapidly develops its own cultural and civilizational identity. The evolution of global concepts and models of confl ict management is considered in light of the global political modernization of international relations.


national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.

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