National Security
Mlechin, V.L.
FRG, Russia and NATO: the succession and changes in the foreign policy of Germany.
// National Security.
2011. ¹ 5.
P. 126-134.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58762
Mlechin, V.L. FRG, Russia and NATO: the succession and changes in the foreign policy of Germany.
In this article, the author analyzes and traces the evolution of the foreign policy of FRG after the unifi cation. The new
Germany found itself in a new world – the eastern bloc has disintegrated, the iron curtain has collapsed and the cold war
has come to an end. In this context, the country had to adapt its foreign and defense policies. The author notes its continuity
in that it seeks to support allied relations with the USA, NATO and European Union countries, and also looks into new
areas, such as relations with Russia after the disintegration of the USSR.
FRG, RF, foreign and defense policy, European Union, USA, NATO
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