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National Security

Sergunin, A.A. Evolution of the “military security” concept in the doctrinal documents of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the evolution of the term “military security” in offi cial Russian documents of the last two decades. The author provides formal logical and content-oriented criticism of the term, as provided in the doctrinal documents of the Russian Federation. Then the author comes to a conclusion that in Russia the process of the formation of the conceptual bases for the policy in the sphere of national and military security is mostly completed, however its terminology is mostly imperfect and it needs to be developed. The fi rst stage of analysis of the global changes is completed, and it includes analysis of the requirements of the state in the sphere of reform of the system of national and military security. In the future there is need for not only clarifi cation of terminology, but also for the clearer and more logically based defi nition of these terms and for the formation of their systemic hierarchy in the doctrinal documents.


political science, military security, national security, international security, military strategy, military doctrine, military construction, defense diplomacy, defi nition apparatus in the sphere of military security, military and political science.

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