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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kuzmina, A. V. Mathematic Modeling of Economic Processes (Formation of Professional and Practical Competence in Information Sciences and Mathematics at Universities Teaching Economics)

Abstract: The article studies the problem of formation of professional and practical competence in information sciences and mathematics at universities teaching economics. The author of the article describes the pedagogical and didactical conditions of its formation based on the analysis of a university class ‘Computer Models in Economics’. The article considers possibilities of application of mathematic modeling as a mean of formation of professional and practical competence in information sciences and mathematics of future specialists in the sphere of economics. The author of the article defines the role of vocationally oriented tasks in the process of formation of professional and practical competence in information sciences and mathematics at universities teaching economics.


pedagogy, competence, information, economics, processes, mathematics, modeling, tasks, student, profession.

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