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Philosophy and Culture
Grebenschikova, E. G. (2011). Trans Disciplinary Strategies of Communicating Risks. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 173–180.
Grebenschikova, E. G. Trans Disciplinary Strategies of Communicating RisksAbstract: The risk conception has become one of the key concepts of the modern social structures dynamics and prediction of their development trends. The basic factor of growing interest towards the risk issue is the society’s concern about negative consequences of the forced development of modern technical science and technologies. One of the methods of conceptualization of this issue is the theoretical frame describing the processes of communicating risks as a range of initiatives aimed at finding the effective mechanisms of involving public into solving difficult tasks and social learning. Productivity of trans-disciplinary strategies aimed at combination of scientific resources and the sphere of ascientific knowledge of social actors is shown in the sphere of biomedical technologies. One of the forms of the most adequate implementation of trans-disciplinary approaches to communicating risks is the so-called humanitarian expertise. Keywords: philosophy, trans disciplinary, risk, expertise, science, society, bio-medicine, communication, responsibility, reproduction of knowledge.
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