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Philosophy and Culture
Omarova, Z. Yu. (2011). Ethno Confessional Tolerance as a Factor of Socio-Political Stability of a State. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 97–102.
Omarova, Z. Yu. Ethno Confessional Tolerance as a Factor of Socio-Political Stability of a StateAbstract: Our government carries out its activity in conditions of unstable, dynamic, complicated and contradictory word, multi-variant development of events and unbalanced international relations due to the crisis. The analysis of the current confessional situation in our countries allows to define a number of tendencies characterizing the processes within the religious organizations as well as their relations with the government and influence not only on internal confessional and inter-confessional relations but also on political and economic relations in the world. The problem of ethno-confessional security as the object for sociological analysis suggests the study of its antipode — ethno-confessional threat which also has its own system of indictors and criteria. Sociological analysis in this sphere must be characterized by a wider frontal approach and complete and true information on peculiarities of this or that process related ethnical and religious identification, ethno-confessional interactions and relations. It would allow to make the best management decision. Keywords: philosophy, tolerance, inter-confessional, stability, security, ideology, conflict, civilization, dialogue, contradiction.
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