Philosophy and Culture
Gorelova, T. A. (2011). ‘Ours’ and ‘Alien’: Who are They?. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 50–61.
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Philosophy and Culture
Gorelova, T. A. (2011). ‘Ours’ and ‘Alien’: Who are They?. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 50–61.
Gorelova, T. A. ‘Ours’ and ‘Alien’: Who are They?Abstract: The article discusses the problem of relations between the elements of the ‘Ours and Alien’ system at the three levels – biological, social and psychological. The author uses the results of research in natural sciences and humanities for his article. Keywords: philosophy, ‘ours and alien’, aggression, social skills, genetics, etiology, social studies, psychoanalysis, evolution, transfer by gift.
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