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Philosophy and Culture

Ursul, A. D. Does the Material Exist without Movement?

Abstract: The article is devoted to transformation of the picture of the world in natural science due to the discovery of dark sides of the Universe (dark energy and dark mass). It is assumed that the dark energy and then dark mass are the two types, or forms, of the material in additional to substance, and each of this type has their own origin and characteristics. The dark energy which is often interpreted as the cosmic vacuum and comprise of almost the three fourths of the Universe, the material neither moves, nor changes. This contradicts to the provision in philosophy about a close connection between the material and the movement. The author also makes a suggestion on how to solve this contradiction from the point of view of experts in cosmology.


philosophy, Universe, movement, cosmic vacuum, cosmology, material, Multiverse, dark energy, dark mass, accelerated expansion of the Universe.

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