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Philosophy and Culture
Deklerk, I. V. (2011). Metaphysical Conceptions of Social Communicative Community. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 48–54.
Deklerk, I. V. Metaphysical Conceptions of Social Communicative CommunityAbstract: The article in detail analyzes the most significant conceptions of transcendent interpersonal relations in social studies and philosophy. The author of the article describes peculiarities of naturalistic and metaphysical approaches to the problem of interpersonal communication. Based upon Hegel’s idea about the three basic stages of development of human self-consciousness, the author suggests to view the meaning of culture from the point of view of its developing from the desiring consciousness (Me-Not Me) to the accepting consciousness (Me-You, general communicative mind) to the universal consciousness (transcendent communication). Such a process of development would represent a step by step ascension of the humanity in general and every human in particular, to their transcendent essence. Keywords: philosophy, transcendent communication, metaphysical community, Me-You, Us, ontology, loneliness, existence, existential, culture.
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