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Philosophy and Culture
Zapesotsky, A. S. (2011). Vyacheslav Stepin and His Theory of Culture. Part III. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 7–19.
Zapesotsky, A. S. Vyacheslav Stepin and His Theory of Culture. Part IIIAbstract: The article analyzes the theory of culture represented by a member of the academy V. S. Stepin and the role of philosophical perception in theory and culture. The author views science as a socio-cultural institution and a basic tool for development of industrial civilization, influence of various factors on science, and V. S. Stepin’s approach to the demarcation problem. The author also describes the relationship between philosophy and science and analyzes the role of philosophical knowledge in culture. It is noted that giving us reflection over the basic values of culture, philosophy gives birth to new perceptions of the world, meanings of culture, categorical ideas which are used in science for reproduction of new knowledge. This is how philosophy makes the future. Keywords: science, philosophy, philosophy of science, culture, theory of culture, the demarcation issue, types of rationality, self-developing systems.
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