Philosophy and Culture
Fedotov, L. N. (2011). Foreign Economic Capital Assets of Modernization. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 86–92.
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Philosophy and Culture
Fedotov, L. N. (2011). Foreign Economic Capital Assets of Modernization. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 86–92.
Fedotov, L. N. Foreign Economic Capital Assets of ModernizationAbstract: The article views forms and influence of foreign economic capital asset (human, brain, social, cultural and environmental) on processes of development and modernization. The author proves the importance of these conceptions for regional programs of modernization which adjust national target programs to local conditions. The author also justifies the need in transition to an innovative type of a society. Keywords: philosophy, modernization, foreign economic capital assets, human capital assets, brain capital, social capital, cultural capital, environmental capital, national program of modernization, regional programs of modernization.
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