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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Artemieva, O. A. Social Biography of the Soviet Psychotechnics

Abstract: Based on the analysis of historical and scientific materials the author reconstructs the social ‘biography’ of the Soviet psychotechnics. The author describes fortunes of its founders, stages and conditions of formation and liquidation of this research and practice disccipline in the Soviet Russia. The article also describes the peculiar dynamics of methodological views of the Soviet experts in psychotechnics and proves the dependence of applied science on social conditions such as: economy, ideology and politics. Special attention is paid at the results of state control over the development of the fundamental and applied sciences; at the end of the article the author makes a conclusion about prevailing negative consequences caused by the limiting science policy dung the totalitarian regime.


psychology, history, psychotechnics, science, biography, politics, ideology, I. N. Shpilrein, S. G. Gellershtee in, Soviet.

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