Psychology and Psychotechnics
Marchenko F. O. (2011). Changed Concepts of Television
Audience in Social and Psychological Researches. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 105–113. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58088
Marchenko F. O. Changed Concepts of Television
Audience in Social and Psychological Researches.
The article is devoted to the new tendencies in
studying the TV audience in Russia and abroad. The author
of the article suggests a classifi cation of the theories
of TV behavior and describes the implicit models of the
audience behavior. It is also noted that now massovization
is gradually transferring to individualization of TV
psychology, TV behavior, TV watching, audience, individualization, massovization, infl uence, subject, theories, experiments
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