Philosophy and Culture
Chukhrova, K. K. (Chukhrukidze) (2011). On the
Question about Ethics in Esthetics: Is there
an Esthetics of Fascism. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 57–65. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58045
Chukhrova, K. K. (Chukhrukidze) On the
Question about Ethics in Esthetics: Is there
an Esthetics of Fascism.
The article analyzes the origins of art
work projects and theories which appeared in the
esthetics of the 20th century including the project
of modernism and identifi ed themselves with conservative
political priorities and, at times, directly
with fascism. Unlike the point of view considering
fascism as some political and cultural irrationality,
this article shows that both political and esthetical
characteristics of fascism have their digital logic.
The article also describes social prerequisites of
protofascistic esthetics in modern art.
philosophy, aestheticization of politics, sovereignty, Georges Bataille, fascism, transgression, «homo sacer», political emancipation, modern art
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