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Philosophy and Culture
Danielyan, N. V. (2011). Outlook on the scientifi c
picture of the world in David Hume’s philosophy and modern epistemology. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 20–29.
Danielyan, N. V. Outlook on the scientifi c picture of the world in David Hume’s philosophy and modern epistemology.Abstract: This article deals with the principles of formation of the scientifi c picture of the world in David Hume’s philosophy and modern epistemology. The author of the article analyzes the Scottish philosopher’s cognitive theory from the ‘subjectand- object-relationship’ point of view and fi nds out that the theory comes down to acceptance of an eliminated subject in the absence of objective trueness of the knowledge received. The author of the article expands and proves the idea that in a modern epistemology it is possible to form the scientifi c picture of the world only from the point of view of the unity of the subjective and objective. It is also shown that such categories as ‘subject’ and ‘object’ form the system which elements have meaning only when they are dependent on one another or on the system in general. At the end of the article the author concludes that, despite obvious limitations and diversity of David Hume’s conception of perception of the scientifi c picture of the world, it surely contributed to development of epistemology and formation of the modern stage of scientifi c cognitive activity. Keywords: philosophy, subject, object, impressions, ideas, perception, mind, causality, consistency, cognition
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