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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Berezina, T. N., Mansurov, E. I. The Ants’ Scent of Fear.

Abstract: The article analyzes the phenomenon of the ‘scent of fear’. The authors describe certain facts from literature proving that there is actually such an odor in the ants’, animals and human worlds. Previous researched showed that fear was more often associated with the acid odor and dogs actually grew more frightened when they were disposed to the scent of acetic acid. In a new research they authors studied how acetic acid influenced red ants. It was shown that ants’ behavior changed greatly after a drop of vinegar essence. The ants showed the following reactions to vinegar: rise of concentration of ants in the area of smell, increase of their motion activity, transfer of eggs and etc. These are all signs of fear typical for this type of living creatures. The authors of the article also described how this phenomenon developed evolutionally. Reaction of fear when exposed to acid odor is thought to be instinctive; it is expressed to the maximum in insects, mammals gradually represses this reaction under the influence of experience and human may not display this reaction so obviously at all. It is assumed though that the reaction of fear when exposed to acid odor may grow in some stress situations.


psychology, scent, emotions, smell, scent of fear, pheromones, lower perceptual psyche, ants’ psyche, acid odor, unconscious emotions

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