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Administrative and municipal law

Agamagomedova, S. A. Administrative Responsibility for Illegal Usage of Trademarks (Based on the Customs Agencies’ Activities).

Abstract: Customs agencies of the Russian Federation detect and suppress violations of exclusive rights for trademarks. The author of the article describes certain peculiarities of arbitrage practice in the sphere of illegal usage of trademarks. These peculiarities are connected with involvement of right holders, procedural infractions in administrative procedure, expertise in the process of administrative investigation and other issues. Based on concrete cases of law-enforcement practice at Penza customs the author studies the correlation between the exclusive right for a trademark and exclusive rights for other intellectual properties and makes an analysis of contractual relations between right holders and persons who illegally use a trademark.


customs, arbitrage, trademark, holder of right, license agreement, counter-fact, violation of law, administrative, expertise, responsibility

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2. Dmitriev V.V. Otdel'nye voprosy zashchity tamozhennymi organami prav na tovarnye znaki v arbitrazhnykh sudakh // Pravo i Ekonomika. — 2009. — ¹ 5 / Elektronnyy resurs. — SPS «Konsul'tant Plyus»