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Administrative and municipal law

Lapin, A. V. Principles of Administrative and Legal Regulation of State Policy on Development of Car Industry.

Abstract: The author of the article suggests, analyzes and systemizes into three groups the principles of administrative and legal regulation of state policy in the sphere of development of car industry. The first group of principles includes: general principles of state regulation of all branches of industry; the second group includes: domain principles of industries of means of transportation including car industry; and the third group includes: principles of organization of the system of state administration bodies and state regulation of development of car industry. The article proves the need in legal confirmation of these principles in the Strategy of Development of Car Industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 represented by the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No 319 dated April 23, 2010.


car industry, state administration bodies, executive bodies, administrative and legal regulation, state policy, sphere of development of car industry, principles of development of car industry, strategy of development of car industry, principles of organization of system of executive bodies, state regulation of car industry

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