Philosophy and Culture
Maksimov, L. V. (2010). Epistemological Origins
of the Kant’s Ethical Absolutism. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 105–111.
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Philosophy and Culture
Maksimov, L. V. (2010). Epistemological Origins
of the Kant’s Ethical Absolutism. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 105–111.
Maksimov, L. V. Epistemological Origins of the Kant’s Ethical Absolutism.Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the connection between Kant’s epistemology and ethics. The Kant’s idea of ethical absolutism is in essence a consequence of the erroneous interpretation of morality as a special sort of “knowledge” and, accordingly, a result of the illegitimate insertion into an ethical discourse the apriorist and constructivist methodology. Keywords: philosophy, ethics, absolutism, epistemology, gnoseocentrism, cognitivism, empiricism, apriorism, constructivism, ethical naturalism
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