Philosophy and Culture
Lazarev, V. V. (2010). The Idea of Communalism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 103–115.
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Philosophy and Culture
Lazarev, V. V. (2010). The Idea of Communalism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 103–115.
Lazarev, V. V. The Idea of Communalism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion.Abstract: The article is devoted to rarely mentioned Hegel’s views on communal morals which, nevertheless, have been discussed by philosophers since the times of Aleksey Khomyakov and Konstantin Kovelin. The author tries to show that Hegel’s interpretation of ethical and religious issues of the commune life can help not only to understand his ‘dark and abstract’ philosophy (including the unit of the Substance and the Subject) but also, for Russian philosophers, to dispute with his teaching. Keywords: philosophy, communalism, substance, subject, personality, Christianity, Kant, sense, Enlightenment, spirituality, reconciliation
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