Psychology and Psychotechnics
Trunov, D. G. (2010). Performance as an art-therapy
technique. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 63–69.
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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Trunov, D. G. (2010). Performance as an art-therapy
technique. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 63–69.
Trunov, D. G. Performance as an art-therapy technique.Abstract: The article considers the opportunity of using performance as an art-therapy technique. The author describes differences between analytical, phenomenological and post-modernistic approaches to creative work. Being one of the forms of modern action arts, performance is free from virtuality, directive meaning, conceptual restrictions and a traditional conception of audience. Performance allows the audience and the actor to experience a series of therapeutic effects. Keywords: psychology, performance, post-modernism, audience, meaning, publicity, self-observation, art, arttherapy, creative work
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