Psychology and Psychotechnics
Oreshkin, A. S. (2010). Human Being as a Symbolic Animal. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 21–28.
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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Oreshkin, A. S. (2010). Human Being as a Symbolic Animal. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 21–28.
Oreshkin, A. S. Human Being as a Symbolic Animal.Abstract: At a certain stage of his development human became a historical creature. He diligently collected and formed his ideas around the events which seemed the most important to him and in which he was the main character. From the philosophical point of view human history is the ‘history of human’ in the fi rst place, or to be more exact, evolution of the concept of human. The author of the article analyzes the Cassirer’s idea on human being a ‘symbolic animal’. Keywords: human, symbol, philosophy, psychology, symbolic animal, philosophical anthropology, substance, function, speech
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