Philosophy and Culture
Knyazeva, E.N. (2010). The eye shining onto the world. Modern views on embodiment of perception in Indian teachings and cognitive science. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 39–48. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57684
Knyazeva, E.N. The eye shining onto the world. Modern views on embodiment of perception in Indian teachings and cognitive science.
The article is devoted to the problem of nature of perception. Being one of the key problems
of epistemology, it now changes greatly under the influence of natural sciences, studying the brain, psychomotor functions in human body, functioning of its perception. There are some amazing
parallels between Indian, Brahman and Buddhist views and the newest ideas and models of modern cognitive science, that are worth taking a look at.
philosophy, cognition, body, conscience, cognition, auto-poetry, India, Buddhism, Vaishesika, Shivaism
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