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Administrative and municipal law

Bakharev, D.V. Key directions in improvement of legislative basis in the sphere of fighting corruption in the municipal bodies (taking some municipal units of Khanty and Mansi Autonomous District — Yugra).

Abstract: The article is devoted to establishing and analysis of gaps and contradictions in the exiting normative rules on control over income of municipal servants and their family members. The author establishes the view that it is necessary to amend a number of normative legal acts in the sphere of fighting and preventing corruption at the municipal level.


jurisprudence, corruption, municipal, servants, municipal bodies, information on income, inter-ministry council, powers, counteraction, control, legislative basis

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1. Ofitsial'nyy veb-sayt organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga— Yugry— [Elektronnyy resurs].— Rezhim dostupa:
2. Ofitsial'nyy veb-server Administratsii goroda Surguta — [Elektronnyy resurs].— Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ofitsial'nyy sayt Administratsii Surgutskogo rayona — [Elektronnyy resurs].— Rezhim dostupa: