Philosophy and Culture
Klyagin, N. V., Ryabushkina, I. B.
The East and the West
// Philosophy and Culture.
2010. ¹ 9.
P. 86-95.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57630
Klyagin, N. V., Ryabushkina, I. B. The East and the West
There is one thing distinguishing Eastern and Western histories. In the East there has always been the prevailing number of neotenists inclined to psychological traditionalism while in the West the epochs of neoteny and epochs of acceleration take turns and episodes of psychological traditionalism of neotenists have been combined with epochs of psychological revolutions of accelerators
acceleration, Hominini, demography, demographical and technological dependence, infantilism, cultural revolutions, migration, neoteny, Rubner’s constant, technological revolutions
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