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Philosophy and Culture

Porus, V. N. On the Claims of ‘Anarchic Philosophy’ (Regarding the Former Article by A.M.Pyatigorsky)

Abstract: The article describes the polemic thoughts on the conception of ‘anarchic philosophy’ by A. M. Pyatigorsky and M. K. Mamardashvili. On the contrary to the thesis on ‘principal a-cultural sensitivity’ of philosophy (i.e., its independence from culturally determined meanings), these authors believe that every philosophical thought is culturally determined: philosophy is nothing else but self-consciousness (auto-reflection) of culture. ‘Anarchic philosophy’ is opposed to ‘totalitarianism of the thought’ but overlooks another threat: defeat of culture which fails to repress the revolt of individualism


philosophy, ‘anarchic philosophy’, culture, consciousness, symbol, self-consciousness, freedom, ‘totalitarianism of the thought’, communication

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1. Pyatigorskiy A.M. Reaktsiya filosofii na totalitarizm (Ne-metodologicheskie zametki o vozmozhnosti anarkhicheskoy filosofii) / Pyatigorskiy A.M. Izbrannye trudy. Shkola «Yazyki russkoy kul'tury». M., 1996. S. 147-160.
2. Pyatigorskiy A.M., Mamardashvili M.K. Tri besedy o metateorii soznaniya (Kratkoe vvedenie v uchenie vidzhnyanavady) // Pyatigorskiy A.M. Izbrannye trudy. M.: Shkola «Yazyki russkoy kul'tury», 1996. S. 61-107.
3. Mamardashvili M.K., Pyatigorskiy A.M. Simvol i soznanie. Metafizicheskie rassuzhdeniya o soznanii, simvolike i yazyke. M., Shkola «Yazyki russkoy kul'tury», 1997.
4. Kobrin K. Pochti vse boyatsya vol'nykh kamenshchikov (retsenziya na knigu: Piatigorsky A. Who’s af raid of freemasons? The Phenomenon of Freemasonry. L., Harvill Press, 1997) // Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. ¹ 35 (1/1999). S. 381-386.