National Security
Manoilo, A. V. (2010). Personnel Security amid the Crisis: Tactics of Opposition to Forced Dismissal. National Security, 5.
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National Security
Manoilo, A. V. (2010). Personnel Security amid the Crisis: Tactics of Opposition to Forced Dismissal. National Security, 5.
Manoilo, A. V. Personnel Security amid the Crisis: Tactics of Opposition to Forced DismissalAbstract: The article contains an analysis of commonly used schemes of forced dismissal of personnel used by Russian companies and tactics of opposition to such attempts of forced dismissal. Mass dismissals of personnel practiced by Russian companies during the crisis are a serious threat for national security and social stability nowadays. Not all the dismissals are cased by the bad economy: often businessmen use the fear of the financial crisis just to avoid performing their duties towards personnel Keywords: psychology, national security, personnel security, financial crisis, personnel policy, psychology of work relationships, recruiting, dismissal of personnel, personnel management, forced dismissal
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