Philosophy and Culture
Katsapova, I. A. (2010). Meaning of Life: Moral Self-Improvement or Preaching?. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 65–78.
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Philosophy and Culture
Katsapova, I. A. (2010). Meaning of Life: Moral Self-Improvement or Preaching?. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 65–78.
Katsapova, I. A. Meaning of Life: Moral Self-Improvement or Preaching?Abstract: By understanding the problem of life and death from the philosophical point of view, human can learn a wiser attitude to his life. We should not run away from thinking about the end of our life. We should accept it and appreciate all what reminds us of vanity of life and our activities. This is what Karl Jasper called the theory of ‘borderline situations’ in existentialism. In his theory Jasper talked about existential meaning of life. Based on Jasper, existentially our life never ends. Keywords: philosophy, self-cognition, meaning of life, human, borderline situation, ideals, human being
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