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Philosophy and Culture

M.A. Dryuk Another way of philosophical impressionism or “myth” of the Modern Prometheus

Abstract: This article discusses the initial basis for the decision of extremely relevant nowadays problems of human survival in the conditions of global socio-ecological crisis. Moreover, it focuses on one of the most “strong” trends related to the accusation of Science in all “Capital Sins” of the descendants of Adam. It seems Science is a kind of Ivan Susanin of our time, Frankenstein of XX-th century. The paper shows the failure of the described position, which is perceived by the author as a modern variant of philosophical impressionism. No excess of reason, but his lack, deficit, real human misunderstanding is at the origin of many evils of Western European culture.


philosophy, philosophical impressionism, apparent associations, socio-ecological crisis, the Modern Prometheus, Research technocratism, worldview attitudes, criminal misunderstanding, the concept of “Fusis” and “Nature”, the global evolutionism

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