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Administrative and municipal law

Vinokurov, V. A. Prizes of the Russian Federation Government: Particular Issues of Founding and Awarding

Abstract: The article considers the prizes of the Russian Federation Government as the main form of the Government awards, particularly, the issues of their founding and awarding. The study shows the general aspect of these awards, particular aspects of concrete prizes and certain problems related to their presentation and awarding. As a result, the author formed certain recommendations on how to improve the system of governmental awards.


government, prize, award, laureate, attributes, found, award, appeal for, petition, status

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1. Vinokurov V.A. Sovremennye nagrady vysshikh organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti RF // Prilozhenie k zhurnalu «Yuridicheskaya mysl'». — 2006. — ¹ 4.
2. Vinokurov V.A. Nagrady gosudarstva: ponyatie i vidy // Yuridicheskaya mysl'. –2007. — ¹ 2.
3. Vinokurov V.A. Nagrady gosudarstva kak atribut rossiyskoy gosudarstvennosti. — M., 2008.