Philosophy and Culture
Orlova, O. V.
Significance and Meaning of the Communication Process
// Philosophy and Culture.
2010. ¹ 4.
P. 40-44.
Orlova, O. V. Significance and Meaning of the Communication Process
The article is devoted to significance, meaning and interpretation of the communication process in different cultures. Being the so-called sign systems, culture and language are closely related. As a mean of development of culture, language tells us about the past, present and future culture. The structure of the meaning level is very peculiar for every lingo culture which is usually due to the structure of the language. However, the structure of the level of ‘notions’ is similar for all people and does not depend on a concrete language. It gives an opportunity for different cultures to communicate and understand each other.
significance, meaning, interpretation, lingo culture, conceptual level, inter-cultural communication
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