Philosophy and Culture
Danielyan, N. V. (2010). The Problem of Rationality Today. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 21–25.
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Philosophy and Culture
Danielyan, N. V. (2010). The Problem of Rationality Today. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 21–25.
Danielyan, N. V. The Problem of Rationality TodayAbstract: The author of the article represents a comparat5ive analysis of the classical and modern approaches to the problem of rationality from the point of view of subject-object relations and construction of a scientific picture of the world. The author bases the conception of ‘communicative reality’ as well as develops the thought of the present stage of science being characterized by changes of the fundamental principals of science – in particular, transfer from closed system to the open self-developing system of the World. Keywords: ‘new’ rationality, scientific picture of the world, subject of learning, object of learning, ‘communicative reality’, self-developing systems
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