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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Inozemtseva, N. N., Berezina, T. N. Some Aspects of a Life Path of a Modern Leader

Abstract: The author analyzes the life path of modern leaders and leading professionals. The author studied the following parameters of activity of future leaders in schools and universities: social work, educational activities, out-of-school activities. Then the author compared these parameters with the same parameters of activity of future leading specialists. It is shown that there is no correlation between the form of the chosen career (professional and a leader) and progress in studies but there is a certain correlation between future specialists’ choice and active social work in schools and universities. Surprisingly, it has been found out that future professionals are usually more active and socially successful during their studies while future leaders are less active in their social life and social work. The author also explained the phenomenon mentioned above.


psychology, management, social work, life path, personality, tike, activity, labor, education, profession

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