Philosophy and Culture
Rodzinksy, D. L. (2010). Fortune and its Role in Antique Philosophers’ Perception of the World. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 67–71.
Rodzinksy, D. L. Fortune and its Role in Antique Philosophers’ Perception of the World
The author of the article studies the role of Fortune which influences our personal perception of the world and makes us strive for perfection. In an ontological aspect, it is one of the images of the antique idea of fate. In an anthropological aspect, it defines the role and the place of human in his society. In a gnoseological aspect, it stimulates our learning. In an ethical sphere it forms the great virtues of the mind. The image of Fortune is some kind of connection between the elements of Cosmos, from one hand, and a wise man’s behavior, from the other hand.
philosophy, fortune, fate, accident, luck, wise man, virtues, mind, happiness, blessing, spirit
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