Philosophy and Culture
Balagushkin, E. G. (2010). Morphology of Mysticism. Article 2. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 61–66.
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Philosophy and Culture
Balagushkin, E. G. (2010). Morphology of Mysticism. Article 2. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 61–66.
Balagushkin, E. G. Morphology of Mysticism. Article 2Abstract: The thesis of ‘uniform’ mysticism ignores the forms typical for paganism and developed religions. Even though mysticism still has the same nature and origin, it definitely varies greatly in forms and structures. The author defined the five ‘primary’ structures of mysticism (archetypes): unity with God, Godsend, transcendental and immanent mystical determinations and the bipolar immanent and transcendental mystical bond. According to the author, primary configurations of the mystical bond usually join in structural complexes. Keywords: philosophy, mysticism, complex, morphology, sacred, structure, archetype, transcendental, immanent
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