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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Manev, I. A. Why does the Hardly Educated Bulgarian Prophet Vanga Understand All Languages?

Abstract: Review: according to the proved hypotheses, every person has a regular ‘conscious’ mind and a ‘duplicate’ mind, or bio field subconscious mind and bio field memory. All people essentially have a defense mechanism preventing the information from their bio field memory from being transferred to their regular memory. That mechanism does not allow such information to interfere with our mental activity. Vanga is different from all the others because her ‘defense mechanism’ does not work and her mind keeps all information received from her bio field memory. Certain studies prove that bio field subconscious mind and bio field memory work approximately 10 million times as fast as a regular mind does. They are like a bio field computer which interprets foreign languages in the form of images and signs of Vanga’s native language. That way it just rings in her head


psychology, memory, unconsciousness, mind, telepathy, computer, transfer, forecast, prophecy, clinical death

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