Taxes and Taxation
Sheredeko, E.V.
Legal characteristics of international
acts, as concluded between the UK and the RF in the
sphere of taxation
// Taxes and Taxation.
2009. ¹ 9.
Sheredeko, E.V. Legal characteristics of international
acts, as concluded between the UK and the RF in the
sphere of taxation
The article includes results of author’s legal analysis of
international acts (conventions, agreements, contracts)
between the UK and the RS in the sphere of taxation, in
formation exchange, fighting fiscal (tax) offences. The au
thor points out gaps and problems in the shhere of regula
tion in this sphere. Keywords: taxes, international, act, contract, convention, the
UK, the RF, offence, cooperation
nalog, biznes, protsess, optimizatsiya, audit, konsalting, rukovodstvo.