Taxes and Taxation
Panskov, V.G.
Priceforming for the taxation purpose:
problems and possible solutions
// Taxes and Taxation.
2009. № 9.
Panskov, V.G. Priceforming for the taxation purpose:
problems and possible solutions
Control of tax bodies over formation of economically
wellbased prices of deals in order for due establishment of
tax base is a serious problem for tax administration. Low
ering the prices is one of the ways to avoid taxation, which
are hard to control. Author views possible solutions for this
problem, while he stresses the need for use of experience of
foreign states in this sphere. Keywords: tax, price, administration, control, FTS, regulation,
state, goods, profit, benefit
nalog, tsena, administrirovanie, FNS, regulirovanie, gosudarstvo, tovar