Philosophy and Culture
Maydanov, A. S. (2009). Ethics of Confucius and the ethics of Christ. Philosophy and Culture, 5.
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Philosophy and Culture
Maydanov, A. S. (2009). Ethics of Confucius and the ethics of Christ. Philosophy and Culture, 5.
Maydanov, A. S. Ethics of Confucius and the ethics of ChristAbstract: Resume: the author of the article is comparing Confucius’ and Jesus Christ’s teachings. The author’s preference is given to Confucius because his teaching is not heterogenic like Christ’s ethics which is complemented by mythological images and ideas. Confucius’ teaching has an anthropological focus and this is why it is more humanistic, true and non-contradictory. Christ’s ethics are more theologized and this is why Christ’s adepts were full of paradoxes and their society was full of dichotomies and conflicts. Thus, despite its old age, Confucius’ ethics have a very important meaning for the modern society and can help us to overcome the moral crisis in Russia. Keywords: truth, path, myth, God, code of ethics, fear, humanism, faith, duality, the Good, the Evil.
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