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Administrative and municipal law

Kananykina, E.S. Structure of education management bodies of the French Republic; the way to decentralization

Abstract: during the two last centuries the France has been the classical example of a state with a centralized and administratively unified system of education. The formation of state education institutions, their financing, the study plans and programs, the way the schools lived, the assignment, transfer and removal of lecturers were regulated in detail by the laws, the decrees of Government, the circulars of the Central Department of Education, that is by the great number of officials, who controlled both public and private schools. The process of global reformation of the system of school education due to the needs of the multicultural society of France started in 1975 and was related to modification, which in turn was aimed to avoid the existing monumental bureaucratic structures in the sphere of education management.


school education in France, the French education system, decentralization of the system of education in France, structure of management by the French education, the way of spread of powers within the system of education in France.

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